Wordfast Anywhere
Terms of Use

Copyright 2008-2018,
Wordfast LLC

Wordfast Anywhere is offered free of charge.

All the data maintained by Wordfast LLC on your behalf is kept strictly confidential. Wordfast LLC will not reuse, sell, reveal, distribute or in any way disclose the data you entrust in our servers. We mean all data: documents, translation memories, glossaries, personal information, etc. Documents or accounts that are deleted by you are permanently and irretrievably erased.
Email addresses are used only for rare technical communications concerning our service. They are not disclosed or commmunicated to any third party interest. We adamantly oppose spam. Note that if you lose or forget your password, it can be changed by clicking on the forgot password link. An email will be send to the email address your provided.

Size limitation
Up to 10 documents can be stored by Wordfast Anywhere at any given time. This does not limit you to 10 documents: once a document is translated, you can download then delete it from your workplace, making room for other documents to be uploaded. The 10-document limit only applies to the number of documents residing at one given time in our servers.

Termination of Service

Please whitelist wordfast.net (as well as wordfast.com and freetm.com) in your email application to make sure you receive all notifications. We have a strict no-spam policy: no promotions, no advertizing, no merchandizing. We only send notifications ahead of account or document termination, which are rare events.

Policy changes
Terms are subject to change. However, major policy changes that may affect your work will be published at www.wordfast.com, www.wordfast.net, and in our Yahoo! mailing list well in advance so that existing jobs can be completed.